3 day Course in Russia

with Mukti

All VC Courses are internationally recognized and acclaimed as seasoned and professional top level instructional experiences and are authorized and recommended for professional as well as personal empowerment.

Nuad Borarn (Vedic Thai Bodywork-Assisted Asana Postures) is viewed as a martial art of healing and is reported to manifest instant positive results. In Thailand and worldwide, bodywork is utilized medicinally as a cherished and revered indulgence to remedy the prominent social ailments such as emotional stress and physical inertia. Vedic Massage sessions inspire the soul and tranquilize the body.

Vedic Thai Yoga Bodywork 

Come learn the 2-hour sequence of Thai-Yoga Bodywork in our 3-Day Training. This course teaches a longer 2-hour sequence of Thai-Yoga Bodywork Techniques. You'll watch demonstrations and take notes in your manual, then practice giving and receiving with various partners in the class.

Tuition: 3 days -  $350 

3 day course Futon/Table 


New Techniques

*More developed techniques and theories which provide the student with a 2.0 hour treatment protocol including additional fundamental lessons in supine, side lying, seated and prone positions.


Chakras, Nadis, Marmani

*Ayurvedic anatomical terminologies and familiarity with identifying marmani, chakra and nadi channel bodily locations.


New Sequences 

*Elegant therapeutic sequences, both brief and extended, for addressing natural bodily and emotional imbalances and discomforts.

  • Puja Position
  • Supine & Prone Positions
  • Facial
  • Lubricant 
  • Reading Essays
  • 5 elements theory 
  • Tratak Meditation
  • Samadhi Meditation 
  • Fire Behind the Ice the Eyes