3 day Vedic Bodywork in Fort Worth, TX


Oct 10/11, 2025

8 am -3 pm


Llamaste Yoga and Healing, Fort Worth, TX

For massage therapists, yoga teachers, and health enthusiasts in all the healing fields.

Well-recognized and top-ranked Nationally Approved Continuing Education Courses in Ayurvedic Thai Yoga Bodywork for both professional and lay interests. Learn technical methods and well-based theoretical applications for developing skilled craft and effective proficiency in the popular emerging field of Marma and Nadi Therapies.

Learn Ayurvedic Yoga Massage aka Traditional Thai Bodywork.

This is an excellent opportunity for yoga teachers who are interested in bettering their physical contact with their students. Thai Yoga gave me an understanding of energy exchange between a teacher and a student. My confidence was also boosted when entering a student's space, allowing me to give meaningful, appropriate adjustments.

This is a 3-day course, that offers 21 CECs. No previous Thai experience is required for this course.