Online Webinar Southeast Asian Reflexology - Feet and Ankles


When: Thursday Evening  Aug 20, 2020

6-7pm ZOOM room

Online Webinar

Vedic Bodywork Methods 

Southeast Asian Reflexology 

Feet and Ankles 


Psychologically and physically, the feet and ankles are a reservoir of health advantages 

Feel more secure, stable, balance, confidence, symmetry and emotional equanimity

EXPERIENCE an enjoyable hour to DISCOVER and MASTER a variety of awesome methods to:

  • Stimulate Positive Organ Functioning
  • Align and Improve Posture
  • Strengthen the Immune System
  • Enhance Well Being 
  • Increase Vital Circulations of Blood, Lymph and Nerves

Empower your craft with these awesome skills for providing skillful treatments

Self Application Demonstrations Included in this Webinar