Comparing Eastern and Western Therapeutic Bodywork Perspectives.
For decades and longer, eastern and western therapeutic models have been converging techniques while also sharing their mutual ideals and philosophies.
Nonetheless and despite the comparisons of eastern and western healing energies having been viewed, opinionated, analyzed and judged in the past many times, the comparisons of eastern and western kinetics and insights are however very intriguing to intellectualize and compare.
Dr. Richard Gold Ph.D. Acupuncture responded kindly to my request to share some words on the subject of eastern and western modalities:
“Namaste my friend,
I hope this finds you well. My thoughts on the subject:
Asian healing bodywork has historically been a primary branch of traditional medicine. It was never seen/experienced outside of a healing tradition. Asian bodywork theory sees human beings holistically and not through the lense of reductionism. Furthermore, Asian healing arts are based on an energetic paradigm in distinction to the material paradigm of Western approaches." Dr Richard Gold
Exploring the comparisons between east and west therapeutic views is indeed an interesting study and many have indulged and written about these correlations and contrasts. Dr Richard Gold Ph.D. Acupuncture is an excellent reference for all.
Here are a few more words from Dr Keith Cini Acupuncturist who also responded to my request to share some dialog on the east/west thoughts:
“Eastern vs Western paradigms.
The Eastern philosophy of healing and medicine is holistically minded, taking into consideration your physical, emotional, mental, energetic and even spiritual state of being. One cannot be separated from another. Similar to the Hippocratic origins of Western Medicine which has become allopathic and much more mechanistic in approach. The physical manifestation of disease is the last part of an illness we experience, which is usually deep rooted in our emotional body. Chinese Medicine takes into consideration the seven major emotions (anger, joy, worry, grief, pensive ness, fear and shock) their relationship and impact to our five major internal viscera (liver, heart, spleen/pancreas, lungs & kidneys). Our thoughts, feelings and emotions must be digested like the food we eat. That which no longer serves us must be eliminated.” Dr Keith Cini Acupuncturist
Offering my own written account and personal reflection on the eastern/western therapeutic comparisons:
As a founder/director of The Vedic Conservatory, my personal bodywork representation is obviously characteristic of the eastern and Vedic spirit.
For me, as a dedicated eastern body working therapist for the past three and a half decades and with thousands of initiates in several countries, simply and fundamentally expressed, there is a glaring comparative difference between the eastern healing dynamics and the aggregate of western’s therapeutic healing wholeness.
The eastern focus, from my limited viewpoint, seems to contrast strongly with western bodywork approach.
As an initiating comprehensive access for both theoretical perspective and primary technical procedure, including the use of organic methods such as fun, cheerfulness and additionally the use of comfort, pleasure and tranquility, the approach and practice of the eastern style of physical and emotional remediation demonstrates a distinct difference from the western styles.
The western therapeutic perspective evidence an initial, even a consummate, obsession with concerned focus on the dis-ease, the discomfort, the trauma and the pain. Moreover and considerably contrary to eastern therapeutic involvement, western bodywork also seems to have as its initial motivation for therapy, again, with focus upon the pain, the discomforts etc etc.
I should say not that while observing my western contemporaries issue publicly their psychologies and demonstrate their technical mindsets, I stand god-smack questioning in astonishment, in doubt yet wonderment how the healing inclusions of serenity, sublime-ness, Divinity, sound, positive affirmations, music and aromas, amongst other elixirs of similar therapeutic embracements, are forfeited and replaced with so called ‘curative’ substitutions such as sterile electronics, impersonal mechanicals and questionable pharmaceuticals chemicals.
Personally, by placing the comparisons of eastern and western bodywork approaches under the cerebral microscope again I feel somehow that I am positioning my head on the chopping block of my contemporary's disagreements with my viewpoint on eastern and western energies.
I pray your examination of this brief eastern and western comparative will prove satisfying and informative and that I would not become redundant for my reading audience.
Thank you for your kind considerations around this eastern and western awareness, mukti
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